‘The Last Keeper’ is an award winning documentary written and directed by American film maker and wildlife conservationist Tom Opre. It delves into the heart of the Scottish Highlands, exploring contemporary wildlife management issues and the struggle of rural communities.
The documentary illuminates the plight of gamekeepers, ghillies, and stalkers who see their traditional role as stewards of the land threatened.
Film maker Tom Opre will join us for an online Q&A session after the film screening.
‘The Last Keeper’ is an award winning documentary written and directed by American film maker and wildlife conservationist Tom Opre. It delves into the heart of the Scottish Highlands, exploring contemporary wildlife management issues and the struggle of rural communities.
The documentary illuminates the plight of gamekeepers, ghillies, and stalkers who see their traditional role as stewards of the land threatened.
Film maker Tom Opre will join us for an online Q&A session after the film screening.