Ceòl is Craic @ Celtic Connections
Ceòl is Craic @ Celtic Connections

28th January 2023, CCA

28th Faoilleach 2023, CCA

An Dannsa Dub

An Dannsa Dub

2 ground-breaking acts taking Gaelic / Celtic music into the 21st century and beyond!

An Dannsa Dub (The Dub Dance) is the brainchild of dub vocalist and producer Tom Spirals and Scottish traditional musician Euan McLaughlin. The 6-piece live band fuses the mystical energy and instruments of traditional Scottish music and Gaelic song with the heavy, meditative, driving basslines of digital dub music. The band is a unique mix of experienced traditional folk musicians and Dub Reggae specialists. They use acoustic and digital instruments. The result is an explosive heavyweight blend of what the band call ‘Future Dub from Ancient Scotland’.

Fleuves are a trio of virtuoso musicians from Brittany. They merge rock, jazz, trance and electro influences with the rhythms of traditional Breton dance.

Bidh Ceòl is Craic a’ dol an cuideachd Celtic Connections gus dà ghnìomhadh às ùr a thaisbeanadh a’ toirt ceòl Gàidhlig / Ceilteach air adhart don chiad linn air fhichead agus seachad air!

Tha An Dannsa Dub mar bheachd-smuain an t-seinneadair dub is riochdaire Tom Spirals agus an neach-ciùil traidiseanta Albannach, Euan McLaughlin. Tha an còmhlan-ciùil beò de 6nar ag aonadh spionnadh draoidheil is ionnsramaidean ciùil traidiseanta Albannach agus òrain Ghàidhlig le ceòl dub didseatach a tha trom, meòrachail le loidhnichean-beus làidir. Tha an còmhlan mar mheasgachadh gun choimeas de luchd-ciùil tuath-cheòl traidiseanta le eòlas agus speisealaichean Dub Reggae, a’ cleachdadh ionnsramaidean fuaimneach agus didseatach. Is e toradh sin gu bheil coimeasgadh làidir spreigeach aca ris an can an còmhlan ‘Future Dub from Ancient Scotland’.

Is e triùir luchd-ciùil sàr-bhuadhach às a’ Bhreatainn Bhig a th’ ann am Fleuves a bhios a’ coimeasgachadh roc, jazz, trance agus buadhan dealain le ruitheaman de dhannsa traidiseanta a’ Bhreatainn Bhig.