This weeks show

Ceòl is Craic
17th October 2024
17th Dàmhair 2024
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
  • Katie Cruel by Karen Dalton
  • Wild and Free by Pixie and the Partygrass Boys
  • Be Good To Yourself by Carbon Silicon
  • Blood’s Thicker Than Water by Bobby Bazini
  • Walk The Walk by Gaz Coombes
  • Pretty Green by The Jam
  • Resurrect by Astro Bloc
  • When we were that what wept for the sea by Colin Stetson
  • Last Night by Arooj Aftab
  • Taladh Chriosda by Burd Ellen
  • Rose of Allendale by John Boden & The Remnant Kings
  • 3 Omens by Eat Girls
  • Wa-Do-Dem by Eek-a-Mouse
  • Katie Cruel by Karen Dalton
  • Wild and Free by Pixie and the Partygrass Boys
  • Be Good To Yourself by Carbon Silicon
  • Blood’s Thicker Than Water by Bobby Bazini
  • Walk The Walk by Gaz Coombes
  • Pretty Green by The Jam
  • Resurrect by Astro Bloc
  • When we were that what wept for the sea by Colin Stetson
  • Last Night by Arooj Aftab
  • Taladh Chriosda by Burd Ellen
  • Rose of Allendale by John Boden & The Remnant Kings
  • 3 Omens by Eat Girls
  • Wa-Do-Dem by Eek-a-Mouse