“The Shepherds of Berneray” is a 1980 documentary feature film by Jack Shae and Allen Moore.
The American filmmakers spent 18 months living among and documenting the crofters of Berneray. Moving their families from Harvard University to the small island, they captured the daily toils and disappearing way of life of the local residents across the seasons.
Recently remastered, the film is an intimate depiction of the hardships faced by a declining community through a year in their lives. By closely following the islanders, the filmmakers shine a light on a vanishing society struggling to preserve long-held traditions.
7.00pm: Join us for a Gaelic learners conversation group before the film screening.
7.50pm: First, in partnership with the annual FilmG competition, we’ll be screening two award-winning short films
8.00pm: “The Shepherds of Berneray”
8.50pm: Q&A Session with director Allen Moore via Zoom.
Is e film aithriseach bho 1980 a th’ ann an “The Shepherds of Berneray” le Jack Shae agus Allen Moore.
Chuir na filmeadairean Aimeireaganach 18 mìosan seachad a’ còmhnaidh agus a’ clàradh am measg chroitearan Bheàrnaraigh. Ag imrich an teaghlaichean bho Oilthigh Harvard chun an eilein bhig seo, ghlac iad an obair làitheil agus dòigh beatha an luchd-còmhnaidh tarsainn nan ràithean.
Air a dèanamh suas às ùr o chionn ghoirid, tha an fhilm na sealladh eòlach tro bhliadhna nam beatha air na cruadalan leis a bheil coimhearsnachd a tha a’ crìonadh a’ cothachadh. Le bhith a’ leantainn nan eileanach gu dlùth, tha na filmeadairean a’ soillseachadh solas air co-chomann a tha a’ dol à sealladh agus a’ strì ri nòsan fad-ghlèidhte a chumail beò.
7.00f: Thigibh còmhla rinn don bhuidheann luchd-ionnsachaidh airson cearcall còmhraidh ro na filmichean.
7.50f: An toiseach, ann an com-pàirteachas leis a’ cho-fharpais bhliadhnail FilmG, bidh sinn a’ sgrìonadh dà fhilm goirid a bhuannaich duaisean.
8.00f: “The Shepherds of Berneray”
8.50f: Seisean Ceist is Freagairt