For this unique event Scotland’s Funk Ambassador Jesse Rae was joined by a specially recruited band of Gaelic vocal talent to create a one off Gaelic Funk extravaganza!
Jesse was ably supported by Gaelic rapper, performance poet and rising star of the Scottish hip hop scene Hammy Sgìth.
Airson an tachartais air leth seo, bidh còmhlan-ciùil sònraichte de sheinneadairean Gàidhlig ann an cuideachd Jesse Rae, tosgaire Funk na h-Alba, gus taisbeanadh gun choimeas de Funk Gàidhlig a chruthachadh!
Cuideachd a’ nochdadh bidh an rapair, am bàrd gnìomhaidh agus rionnag saoghal hip hop na h-Alba, Hammy Sgìth.