
14th March 2020, CCA

14th Màrt 2020, CCA

Barbara Morgenstern
Alistair MacDonald & Friends

Barbara Morgenstern
Alistair MacDonald & Caraidean

Gaelictronica has evolved into one of our most popular and most experimental events. Indeed the term ‘Gaelictronica’ is becoming widely adopted to describe traditional Gaelic / electronic crossover music.

Barbara Morgenstern is a Berlin based electronica artist who performs internationally, works in theatre and film soundtracks and collaborates with leading figures in the worlds of jazz and indie music. Her performance for Ceòl is Craic  included new interpretations of traditional Gaelic songs and psalms and featured Voicebeat, a community choir from Glasgow who specialise in world music.

Alistair MacDonald is a composer, performer and sound artist. He was joined by Gaelic vocalist Joseph McCluskey and accordionist Neil Sutcliffe. The trio created new compositions especially for Ceòl is Craic’s Gaelictronica event.

Tha Gaelictronica air a thighinn gu bhith mar aon de na tachartasan as fhèillmhor agus as probhaile a th’ againn. Gu dearbh, tha an t-ainm ‘Gaelictronica’ air fhaicinn fad’ is farsaing mar iomradh air ceòl traidiseanta Gàidhlig agus tar-chur eileagtronaigeach.

Is e neach-ealain eileagtronica a tha stèidhichte ann am Berlin a th’ ann am Barbara Morgenstern, a bhios a’ gnìomhadh gu h-eadar-nàiseanta, ag obair air tracan-fuaime theatar is film agus a’ co-obrachadh le prìomh luchd-ealain ann an saoghal jazz is ceòl indie. Am measg a gnìomhaidh aig Ceòl is Craic, bidh eadar-mhìneachaidhean ùra air òrain Ghàidhlig thraidiseanta is sailmean agus a’ nochdadh Voicebeat, còisir coimhearsnachd à Glaschu a tha a’ speisealachadh ann an ceòl cruinneil.

‘S e Alastair MacDonald sgrìobhaiche-ciùil, gnìomhaiche agus neach-ealain fuaime. Thig an seinneadair Gàidhlig, Joseph McLuskey, agus cluicheadair a’ bhogsa-ciùil, Neil Sutcliffe, còmhla ris air an àrd-ùrlar. Tha an ceòl-triuir air pìosan-ciùil ùra a chruthachadh gu h-àraid son an tachartais Gaelictronica aig Ceòl is Craic.