Ceòl ‘s Craic joined forces with Gaels le Chèile and Celtic Connections to present our annual celebration of the shared Gaelic culture of Scotland and Ireland.
DLÙ, a young Alt-Fusion band from Glasgow, brought a diverse range of musical influences to their repertoire. The audience was treated to a unique blend of traditional Scottish tunes merged with overtones of rock, classical. jazz and funk. The band’s precocious musical abilities were matched by their dynamic and inventive arrangements.
For this performance they arranged two songs with special guests – one with Joseph McCluskey, an old friend of the band from their time as pupils at Glasgow’s Gaelic School, performing a lively puirt a beul (which Joseph described as ‘Gaelic rap’); the other with Ceòl ’s Craic’s special guest vocalist Anne Martin performing a haunting version of ‘Oran Leannan Sithe’.
ÁRCHÚ, a collaboration of singer/guitarist, piper/vocalist, bouzouki and keyboard players, were brought together by a love of experimentation and a desire to take ancient texts and perform them to a background of post-rock and electro-acoustic sounds. Elements of traditional Irish music and sean-nós singing were apparent in the band’s material but were combined with an innovative blend of rock and electronic sounds.
Ireland’s rich heritage of Gaeilge poetry is also a huge influence on the band’s material. In 2018 they recruited Gaelic vocalist Anne Martin from the Isle of Skye to collaborate on a number of new pieces combining elements of Scottish and Irish Gaelic song. Gaels le Chéile provided the band with the opportunity to premiere this new material to a Scottish audience in an excellent evening of contemporary Celtic music.
Thàinig Ceòl ‘s Craic còmhla ri Gaels le Chèile agus Celtic Connections airson ar comharrachadh bliadhnail air a’ chultar Ghàidhlig a tha co-roinnte eadar Èirinn agus Alba.
Thug DLÙ, còmhlan òg Alt-Fusion à Glaschu, raon eadar-mheasgte de bhuadhan ciùil gu an stòras de cheòl is òrain. Fhuair an luchd-èisteachd tlachd mhòr à co-mheasgadh gun choimeas de fhuinn thraidiseanta Albannach air an amalachadh le blasadan de roc, ceòl clasaigeach, jazz agus funk. Bha comasan aighearach a’ chòmhlain air am maidseadh tro na rèiteachaidhean ciùil aca a bha an dà chuid daineamach is innleachdach.
Airson a’ ghnìomhaidh seo, rinn iad rèiteachadh air dà òran còmhla ri aoighean sònraichte – Joseph McCluskey, seann charaid don chòmhlan bho an àm mar sgoilearan ann an Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu, a’ cur an gnìomh puirt-à-beul aotrom (air an robh Joseph a’ toirt iomradh mar ‘rap Gàidhlig); am fear eile còmhla ri Anna Mhàrtainn, an seinneadair air aoigheachd aig Ceòl ’s Craic, ’s i a’ toirt dhuinn tionndadh drùidhteach de ‘Òran Leannan Sìthe’.
Chaidh ÁRCHÚ, co-obrachadh de sheinneadair/cluicheadair giotàir, pìobaire/seinneadair, bouzouki, drumaichean agus cluicheadairean piàna, a thoirt còmhla tro mheas air deuchainneadh agus miann air teacsaichean àrsaidh fhaighinn agus an gnìomhadh ri cùl-raon de phost-roc agus fuaimean eileagtro-fuaimneach. Bha eileamaidean de cheòl traidiseanta Èireannach agus seinn sean-nós rin cluinntinn ann an stuth a’ chòmhlain ach bha iad air an cothlamadh le co-mheasgadh ùr-ghnàthach de roc agus fuaimean eileagtronaigeach.
Tha dualachas saidhbhir ann am bàrdachd Ghaeilge na h-Èireann na bhuaidh fhìor mhòr air stuth a’ chòmhlain. Ann an 2018, dh’fhastaidh iad an seinneadair Anna Mhàrtainn às an Eilean Sgìtheanach gus co-obrachadh air àireamh de phìosan ùra, ag amalachadh eileamaidean de dh’òrain Albannach is Èireannach. Thug Gaels le Chéile cothrom don chòmhlan an stuth ùr seo a ghnìomhadh airson a’ chiad uair do luchd-èisteachd Albannach, a’ toradh ann am feasgar sàr-mhath de cheòl Ceilteach co-aimsireil.