Hailing from Bihor County, Romania, but settled in Scotland, Taraf de Jan perform traditional Gypsy and folk music from their home region and beyond. Using unique traditional instruments such as the horned violin, they take the audience on a journey into the heart of a village party in Transylvania.
Josie Duncan is a talented singer-songwriter from the Isle of Lewis whose songs feature emotional vocals, soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics. In 2017 Josie won the esteemed BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award, cementing her reputation as an emerging folk talent. Josie will be appearing with a full band featuring some of the leading players on the contemporary trad scene.
À Siorrachd Bihor ann an Romàinia bho thùs ach a-nis stèidhichte ann an Alba, bidh Taraf de Jan a’ gnìomhadh ceòl traidiseanta Sipsidh agus tuath-cheòl bho an sgìre dhachaigheil aca agus air a taobh a-muigh. A’ cleachdadh ionnsramaidean traidiseanta neo-àbhaisteach leithid fìdhle adharcach, tha iad a’ giùlan an luchd-eìsteachd air turas gu cridhe pàrtaidh baile ann an Transylvania.
Is e seinneadair is sgrìobhaiche-òrain tàlantach à Eilean Leòdhais a th’ ann an Josie Duncan, le òrain a tha a’ nochdadh fhuaimean guthach faireachdainneil, fuinn tharraingeach agus briathran bhon chridhe.
Ann an 2017, bhuannaich Josie Duais Tuath-cheòl Òg BBC Radio 2, a’ dearbhadh a cliù mar thàlant tuath-cheòl a’ tighinn am bàrr.
Bidh Josie a’ nochdadh le còmhlan slàn sam bi cuid de na prìomh chluicheadairean san t-saoghal trad cho-aimsireil.