- Watermelon Man by Willis Alan Ramsey
- Mbondi by Blick Bassey
- The Weaver’s Answer by Family
- Cloak of the Night by E.O.B. and Laura Marling
- Shortnin’ Bread by Nora Brown
- Shoot out the Lights by Richard and Linda Thompson
- I Am Sad in the Braes of the Glen by Laura Wilkie
- Turn To Love by Parsnip
- Terrible Woman by Siobhan Wilson
- Ballad of the Texas King by Cut Worms
- You Have The Makings Of A Clown by Kapil Seshasayee
- An Maidrín Rua by Moya Brennan, Cormac De Barra
- Mole In the Ground by John Francis Flynn
- Mudroom by Tiny Habits
- MacDonald’s Lament by Blue Rose Code
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