Ceòl is Craic
25th March 2021
25th Màrt 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Song of the Week is from the new album by Ceòl is Craic favourite Ainsley Hamill.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
19th March 2021
19th Màrt 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Song of the Week is a brand new track from Ceòl is Craic regulars IMLÉ.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
'S e trac ùr-nodha a th' ann an 'Òran na Seachdaine' bhon chòmhlan IMLÉ a bhios a' nochdadh aig tachartasan Ceòl is Craic gu cunbhalach.
Ceòl is Craic
11th March 2021
11th Màrt 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
4th March 2021
4th Màrt 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Song of the Week: Alistair MacDonald & Mairi McGillivray - ‘A Phiuthrag 's a Phiuthar’
Gaelictronica 09.03.2019
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Òran na Seachdaine: Alistair MacDonald & Mairi McGillivray - ‘A Phiuthrag 's a Phiuthar’
Gaelictronica 09.03.2019
Ceòl is Craic
25th February 2021
25th Gearran 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. 'Song of the Week' is by Diane Cannon and was recorded for our Gaels Le Chéile online event. The entire concert is still available on Facebook, YouTube and on our Website.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S ann le Diane Cannon a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus bhathar a clàradh son an tachartais air-loidhne againn, Gaels le Chèile. Tha a' chuirm-chiùil gu lèir fhathast ri faighinn air Facebook, YouTube agus an làraich-lìn againn.
Ceòl is Craic
18th February 2021
18th Gearran 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
11th February 2021
11th Gearran 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Sian who are appearing in our Gaels Le Chéile online event next Saturday 20th at 8pm.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S ann le Sian a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine'. Bidh Sian a' nochdadh aig an tachartas air loidhne againn, Gaels le Chèile, Disathairne seo tighinn aig ochd uairean a dh'oidhche.
Ceòl is Craic
5th February 2021
5th Gearran 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by IMLÉ and was recorded at our Celtic Connections / Gaels Le Chéile event in January 2020.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
28th January 2021
28th Faoilleach 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Willie Campbell and Ainslie Hamill and was recorded at our Oidhche Americana event in September 2018.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S ann le Willie Campbell agus Ainslie Hamill a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus bhathar a' clàradh aig an tachartas againn, Oidhche Americana, anns an t-Sultain 2018.
Ceòl is Craic
21st January 2021
21st Faoilleach 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Josie Duncan, Hamish Macleod & Signy Jakobsdottir and is a live recording from our Gaelictronica gig in March 2019.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S ann le Josie Duncan, Sheumais MacLeòid agus Signy Jakobsdottir a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus 's e clàradh beò a th' ann bhon chuirm-chiùil againn, Gaelictronica, anns a' Mhàrt 2019.