


Upcoming gigs
Ri teachd
Sradagan na Sràide
Sradagan na Sràide
Sradagan na Sràide
2nd August 2024, CCA
2nd Lùnastal 2024, CCA
Robbie Anndra MacLeòid, Kapil Seshasayee & Friends
Special guest Susannah Stark
Robbie Anndra MacLeòid, Kapil Seshasayee & Caraidean
Aoigh Sònraichte Susannah Stark
Sradagan na Sràide is a five-year collaboration between Ceòl is Craic and Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (Gaelic Books Council) to provide a platform for the best musical and literary talents in Scottish/Gaelic arts to create a new collection of Gaelic songs for today’s urban Gael.
Is e co-obrachadh còig-bliadhna a th’ ann an Sradagan na Sràide eadar Ceòl is Craic agus Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, gus àrd-ùrlar a thoirt do na tàlantan ciùil is litreachais as fheàrr ann an ealain Ghàidhlig na h-Alba agus cruinneachadh ùr de òrain Ghàidhlig a chruthachadh do Ghàidheil bhailtean-mòra an latha an-diugh.



Listen to this week's show!
Listen to this week's show!
Ceòl is Craic - 25 JULY 24
25th July 2024
25th Iuchar 2024
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Club Film

Club Film

Club Film

Upcoming Films
Upcoming Films
As An Eilean (From The Island)
As An Eilean (From The Island)
As An Eilean
30th July 2024, CCA Cinema
30th Iuchar 2024, CCA Cinema
‘As An Eilean (From the Island)’ tells the story of Callum who is in his final year at school...
‘As An Eilean (From the Island)’ tells the story of Callum who is in his final year at school...