Ceòl is Craic
4th November 2019
4th Samhain 2019
On this week's programme, Dr Robert chats to Iain MacLeod, the famous television producer, about his early life in Barvas. They also speak about Iain's favourite music and his work in television and film.
Air prògram na seachdain seo, tha an Dotair Raibeart agus Iain MacLeòid, an riochdaire-telebhisein ainmeil, a' còmhradh mu a bheatha thràth ann am Barabhas. Tha iad cuideachd a' bruidhinn mun cheòl as fheàrr le Iain agus mun obair aige ann an telebhisean agus fiolm.
- Happens To The Heart by Leonard Cohen
- Sawbones by Anna Meredith
- Rocks Off by The Rolling Stones
- Danns a’ Luideagan Odhar by Julie Fowlis
- Superstition by Stevie Wonder
- A Life Time by Alfred Bellman
- Cheer Up Charley by The Delines
- Martyrs/St Mary’s by Isobel Anne Martin
- Why Are We Sleeping by Soft Machine
- Happens To The Heart by Leonard Cohen
- Sawbones by Anna Meredith
- Rocks Off by The Rolling Stones
- Danns a’ Luideagan Odhar by Julie Fowlis
- Superstition by Stevie Wonder
- A Life Time by Alfred Bellman
- Cheer Up Charley by The Delines
- Martyrs/St Mary’s by Isobel Anne Martin
- Why Are We Sleeping by Soft Machine