On this week’s show, Dr Robert chats to Glasgow based Electronica artist Elisabeth Elektra about her forthcoming album.
Let’s Stick Together by Wilbert Harrison
Fear A’ Bhata by Peacock Angell
Catacombs by Zyna Hel
Hypersthene by Elisabeth Elektra
Obsidian by Elisabeth Elektra
Lao Fayeos de Mayo by Felpeyu
Give Me a Reason by Ibibio Sound Machine
Stronger by Love Ssega
Cha Bhi Mi Buan by Brian Ó hEadhra & Fiona Mackenzie
Wander Wide by Chance McCoy
Air prògram na seachdain seo, tha an Dotair Raibeart a’ còmhradh ri Elisabeth Elektra, an ceòladair Electronica a tha stèidhichte ann an Glaschu, mu dheidhinn a’ chlàir ri teachd aice.
Je suis un go go girl by The Limiñanas
Time Captives by Kingdom Come
Sensory Memory by Jen Cloher
Take You Back by Orville Peck
Weight by Katherine Joseph
Everybody Eats When They Come To My House by Cab Calloway
Tu maimes tu by Richard Desjardins
Tree Song by Xylouris Whyte
Nothing Can Stop Us Now by St Etienne
Gray Nurse by Civil Civic
Contra el poder by Pedro Guerra
Attica Blues by Archie Shapp
Je suis un go go girl by The Limiñanas
Time Captives by Kingdom Come
Sensory Memory by Jen Cloher
Take You Back by Orville Peck
Weight by Katherine Joseph
Everybody Eats When They Come To My House by Cab Calloway
Tu maimes tu by Richard Desjardins
Tree Song by Xylouris Whyte
Nothing Can Stop Us Now by St Etienne
Gray Nurse by Civil Civic
Contra el poder by Pedro Guerra
Attica Blues by Archie Shapp