Ceòl is Craic
16th September 2021
16th Sultain 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Marit and Rona who will be appearing at ‘Gaels le Chéile’, Ceòl is Craic’s first post-lockdown gig at the CCA on 19th September. Tickets on sale now. Check the website for details.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. Bidh Òran na Seachdaine aig Marit agus Rona a bhios a’ nochdadh aig ‘Gaels le Chéile’, a’ chiad tachartas le Ceòl is Craic às dèidh a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh, anns an CCA air 19 Sultain. Tha tiogaidean rim faotainn an-dràsta fhèin. Thoiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn againn airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.
Ceòl is Craic
13th September 2021
13th Sultain 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
2nd September 2021
2nd Sultain 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Gráinne Holland who will be appearing at ‘Gaels le Chéile’- Ceòl is Craic’s first post-lockdown gig at the CCA on 19th September. Tickets on sale now. Check our website for details.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. Bidh Òran na Seachdaine aig Gráinne Holland a bhios a’ nochdadh aig ‘Gaels le Chéile’, a’ chiad tachartas le Ceòl is Craic às dèidh a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh, anns an CCA air 19 Sultain. Tha tiogaidean rim faotainn an-dràsta fhèin. Thoiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn againn airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.
Ceòl is Craic
26th August 2021
26th Lùnastal 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Marit and Rona who will be appearing at ‘Gaels le Chéile’, Ceòl is Craic’s first post-lockdown gig at the CCA on 19th September. Tickets on sale now. Check the website for details.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. Bidh Òran na Seachdaine aig Marit agus Rona a bhios a’ nochdadh aig ‘Gaels le Chéile’, a’ chiad tachartas le Ceòl is Craic às dèidh a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh, anns an CCA air 19 Sultain. Tha tiogaidean rim faotainn an-dràsta fhèin. Thoiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn againn airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.
Ceòl is Craic
19th August 2021
19th Lùnastal 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. This week Jamie chats with Sally Simpson of Heisk and ‘Song of the Week’ is the band’s new single ‘Ailsa’ taken from their eponymous debut album.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. An t-seachdain-sa, bidh Jamie a’ còmhradh ri Sally Simpson bho Heisk agus is e ‘Ailsa’, clàr singilte ùr a’ chòmhlain, ‘Òran na Seachdaine’ air a thoirt bhon chiad albam aca.
Ceòl is Craic
12th August 2021
12th Lùnastal 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Iain Mackay and was recorded at our Oidhche Americana event in 2018.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
5th August 2021
5th Lùnastal 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Whyte and is taken from our online Gaelictronica event in March.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S ann le WHYTE a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus bhathar a' clàradh son an tachartais air-loidhne againn, Gaelictronica, anns a' Mhàrt.
Ceòl is Craic
29th July 2021
29th Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Willie Campbell and is taken from his 2014 album ‘Dalma’ recorded in collaboration with Ceòl is Craic.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S ann le Willie Campbell a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus thathar a' toirt bhon chlàr aige, 'Dalma' a bha clàraichte ann an 2014 ann an co-obrachadh le Ceòl is Craic.
Ceòl is Craic
22nd July 2021
22nd Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Diane Cannon and is taken from our Gaels le Chéile event.
The full video performance also featuring Welsh band Adwaith and Sian is still available on our website’s video page.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
'S ann le Diane Cannon a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus thathar a' toirt bhon tachartas againn, Gaels le Chèile. Tha an gnìomhadh gu lèir, cuideachd a' taisbeanadh Adwaith agus Sian, fhathast ri fhaighinn air an duilleig bhideo air an làraich-lìn againn.
Ceòl is Craic
15th July 2021
15th Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Mairi Morrison and Alasdair Roberts and comes from their 2012 album ‘Urstan’ recorded in collaboration with Ceòl is Craic.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.