Ceòl is Craic
22nd July 2021
22nd Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Diane Cannon and is taken from our Gaels le Chéile event.
The full video performance also featuring Welsh band Adwaith and Sian is still available on our website’s video page.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
'S ann le Diane Cannon a tha 'Òran na Seachdaine' agus thathar a' toirt bhon tachartas againn, Gaels le Chèile. Tha an gnìomhadh gu lèir, cuideachd a' taisbeanadh Adwaith agus Sian, fhathast ri fhaighinn air an duilleig bhideo air an làraich-lìn againn.
Ceòl is Craic
15th July 2021
15th Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Mairi Morrison and Alasdair Roberts and comes from their 2012 album ‘Urstan’ recorded in collaboration with Ceòl is Craic.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
8th July 2021
8th Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Man of the Minch.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
1st July 2021
1st Iuchar 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Sian and is taken from our Gaels le Cheile event in January. Catch the rest of the gig via the video page on our website.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
24th June 2021
24th Ògmhios 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is by Ainsley Hamill.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
17th June 2021
17th Ògmhios 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is the new single from Ceòl is Craic regulars IMLÉ.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
10th June 2021
10th Ògmhios 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
'Song of the Week' is by Pedro Cameron and is taken from our 'Sradagan na Sráide' event.
Catch the full performance now over on our Video page.

Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
3rd June 2021
3rd Ògmhios 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Song of the Week is by Ando Glaso Collective and is taken from our first online / lockdown event which went out in November 2020 featuring an amazing array of Roma and Scottish musicians. The full performance is still available on our website.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
27th May 2021
27th Cèitean 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul.
Song of the Week is the latest release from Gaelic rapper Hammy Sgith who joins us for a chat with guest presenter Babs Nicgriogair.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul.
Ceòl is Craic
20th May 2021
20th Cèitean 2021
Join Jamie and Dr Robert on the show that plays everything from prog rock to puirt à beul. Song of the Week is the latest single from Marcas Mac an Tuairneir who appeared in our Gaelictronica event last November.
Thigibh còmhla ri Seumaidh agus an Dotair Raibeart air a' phrògram a chluicheas a h-uile rud bho prog roc gu puirt à beul. 'S e 'Òran na Seachdaine' an clàr singilte as ùire bho Mharcas Mac an Tuairneir a nochd anns an tachartas againn, Gaelictronica, anns an t-Samhain sa chaidh.